Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jeez Louis.

I'm tired. Really. Suppose to study but I just want to jot a few things down before I continued with the agonizing task of memorizing dates and events in the history of the EU. (I'm not even European - what do I care?)

Went to Ikea today. Haven't been for almost a year and a half. I don't know what it is but for some odd reason - I love IKEA. They just have everything set up enough for me to activate my creative senses on how I will decorate my future home. I just love it. Oh and these boots that I ordered a month ago - are waiting in the post office.FINALLY. But then I got horribly sad to find out I have to pay customs charges for it. Sucks. I don't really know if they're out of style or whatever (because I'm not a fashion victim - per say) but I really like these and I have a feeling they would be really handy with the weather that's here now. I had to order them online from the US because they don;t sell these here. And I must say it was expensive (for me) - but I guess there's perks when you get to have an exchange rate from Euro to Dollar.

Oh and I just realized I totally think in paragraphs. Don't ask me to explain it please. I want to say that, regarding the last post I did, if anyone is going to read something that is on a sensitive subject, read it with an open mind. If you're going to go head on into a subject that you know you will have no change in thought about - do not even bother reading.  That seriously ticks me.

On another note, I just saw my schedule for this semester which starts in February. It's great. After a year and a half with about 8 to 11 classes a week, its nice to find out that I will only be attending 4 classes a week. For an entire semester. Awesome! But I know I take an intensive version of my program, which is originally 4 years - but mine is in 3 - so I shouldn't expect any less. It's just the thought that relieves me. I got the two minors I choose which I'm happy with - Cross Cultural Management, and Journalism & Media. Good stuff!

Going back to hitting the book. (Yes - one book.)

Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
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